Accuphase company website. Accuphase is considered by some to be the "Japanese Mcintosh". Historical section is here (at the bottom of the page) Altec Altec-Lansing section of Sound Practices web site Altec Lansing's (unofficial) Homepage! Information on the history and use of Altec-Lansing Information on Altec-Lansing Voice of the Theater loud speakers Audio Research Database Photograph's and specifications on nearly all of Audio Research's product's Beveridge Audio company website. Historical section is here Classic Audio Reproductions Home Page Manufacturer of unique and reprodction horn loud speakers including their version of the Hartdfield conrad-johnson designs inc. Conrad Johnson company website. Historical section is here Dual Classics Website technical specifications and photos covering the Dual company of Germany (1901-2001) Unofficial Dynaco Home Page Information on classic Dynaco EICO Home Page Dedicated to Eico's audio equipment AVERY FISHER HERITAGE Photograph's and brochures on some of Fisher's vacume tube equipment Hi-Fi Literature from the 50's and 60's The Jensen Ultraflex or Onken enclosure Plans for building a Jensen Ultraflex speaker Karlson Speaker Homepage Plans and information on the Karlson Speaker George Kaye Audio Labs, Inc. Company website. Service and upgrades for the Futterman OTL based and Moscode hybrid amplifiers produced by New York Audio Labs LANSING HERITAGE Extensive website covering the work of James B Lansing H.J.Leak and Co. Ltd. Covering the history of Leak Loudspeaker History Timeline of loud speaker development Linn product histories Information on Linn products Marantz's Legendary Audio Classics Information about classic and later Marantz MARANTZ MODEL NINE Pictures of the re-issue Marantz 7c and Model 9's Mark Levinson ML series page Information on products made when Mark Levinson was involved with the company Welcome to McIntosh, Mcintosh company website. Manuals are here Roger Russell's McIntosh History Page. Roger Russell was the Director of Acoustic Research at Mcintosh for many years. He covers the history of Mcintosh from the beginning Phase Linear Stereo Equipment Reference Site Technical data on American made Phase Linear WELCOME TO THE OFFICIAL PHASE LINEAR (LYNNWOOD) HOME PAGE Technical data on American made Phase Linear The Quad ESL Information related to refurbishing and using the Quad Electrostatic Quad World Schematics, brochures and photographs of classic quad equipment Rabco SL-8E: Tangential Tonearm History of tangential tonearm's and refurbishment of the Rabco tonearm Jims SAE Page SAE History Wardsweb SAE Carver Audio Home Theater and more... Has a section on SAE H.H. Scott Hi-Fi Stereo Archive History of H.H. Scott from 1946 to 1966 HH Scott LC-21 Pictures of a Scott LC-21 Soundcraftsmen Reference Site Information on one of the most creative audio companies Stax Ltd. company website. Stax is well known for their headphones, but they also make loud speakers and electronics. Historical section is here TANNOY monitor gold dual concentric speakers Period brochure's and cabinet information on the Tannoy monitor gold loud speakers Tannoy Speakers Tannoy history covering the 1940's to the 1970's Technical Audio Devices company website. TAD is a division of Pioneer Electronics that is considered by some to be the "Japanese JBL" The Analog Dept. Information on classic Thorens and Garrard turntables along with other things of interest to users of the vinyl LP The Classic Speaker Pages Information on New England speaker companys The Hifi Museum Photograph's of classic HiFi equipment Thorens TD124 and TD124Mk2 Legendary Vintage Turntables Technical information on these Thorens turntables Edgar Villchur and the Acoustic Suspension Loudspeaker History of the Acoustic Suspension Loudspeaker and its creator Edgar Villchur Welcome At DirectDrive History and information on using classic direct drive turntables Western Electric Brand Audio Products Western Electric company website. Western Electric has re-introduced the 300B triode output tube. Historical section is here |